IPTech Drop-In and Retrofits

Need a modern drop-in solution for obsolete or outdated equipment?

IPTech specializes in providing innovative drop-in solutions on retrofits for obsolete gearmotors and mechanical variable speed units. Our team has developed a range of custom solutions to replace outdated or obsolete gearmotors, ensuring seamless integration with your existing systems. Whether your gearmotor or mechanical variable speed is no longer supported, or the technology has become outdated, we offer reliable and cost-effective ‘modern solutions’ that drop-in to the existing mounting/space.

Trust IPTech to keep your operations running smoothly with cutting-edge solutions for your gearmotor needs. Product designs that have components/parts available for decades.

IPTech a Proven Leader

Custom Designs

IPTecj specializes in custom jack designs tailored to your specific requirements. Contact them today to discuss how they can create a solution to meet your needs.

Service & Support

IPTech is ready to assist in providing tailored solutions to address you unique challenges.


IPTech designs offer cost-effective solutions to meet your design and project needs .